We are so confident that our PMP Exam prep course will help you pass the exam that we offer a money-back guarantee. If you do not pass the exam on your first attempt, we will refund your entire course fee.

To be eligible for the refund, you must:

  • Complete the entire course, including all of the required coursework and assessments.
  • Schedule and take the PMP Exam within 3 months of completing the course.
  • Fail the exam on your first attempt.

To request a refund, you must:

  • Contact Step Up Business School within 72 hours of failing the exam.
  • Provide proof of your exam failure, such as a copy of your score report.

We will process your refund within 10 business days of receiving your request.

This policy is not intended to be a guarantee of passing the PMP Exam. It is simply our way of demonstrating our confidence in our course and our commitment to helping you succeed.

We believe that if you follow our course material and complete all of the required coursework, you will be well-prepared to pass the PMP Exam. However, we understand that there are many factors that can affect your performance on the exam, and we want to make sure that you are satisfied with your investment in our course.

If you have any questions about our pass the PMP Exam or we refund your money policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for choosing Step Up Business School for your PMP Exam prep needs. We look forward to helping you achieve your certification goals.