Project Management is undoubtedly one of the top courses gaining prominence in our world today. The Project Management Institute (PMI) is the global authority in Project Management. PMI exists to empower project professionals around the globe to excel in project management practices through our growing global community, knowledge sharing, and best-in-class certifications—driving positive change in organizations and communities.

As an aspiring Project Manager, you definitely need to take PMIs Project Management Professional training to be able to sit for your professional certification and join the over 1 million certified Project Managers across the globe. That should be your goal!
The next task after deciding on this big goal is to ask the question…where can I get my PMP training? Thankfully, PMI has the answer. PMI liaises with top institutions across the world and grants them the authorization to run the PMP training. PMI says, “Our PMI Authorized Training Partners are more than just trainers—they’re your guides on the path to project management mastery. With their seal, you know you’re receiving training that’s in sync with the latest PMI Global Standards.”
In Ghana, PMI has approved only 6 institutions as Authorized Training Partners (ATP) and Step Up Business School is one of these institutions. ATPs have qualified facilitators approved by PMI to help you become certified. Students who train with ATPs also get access to ready-to-use PMI-licensed, and approved training content, and high-quality training instructions.

At Step Up Business School, you are 100% assured of quality PMP training and passing your PMP exam. We have the best facilitators in the country, with a 100% PMP exam pass rate. Our ATP status gives us the credential and authenticity you need to train with us. Our courses are both online and in-person and there are so many sessions to choose from just to suit your learning preference. Train with us today!
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