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Just as life is a matter of either success or failure, so are projects. Projects may either be successful or unsuccessful. How many buildings do we often see in town left abandoned because the project was not able to be completed? How many people start something, only to leave it half way through? It happens too often, and here are the top reasons why you may not be finding success in completing projects successfully.

  1. Poor definition of project objectives or inadequate vision

The underlying reason why most projects fail is due to poorly defied objectives. A project’s success relies heavily on defining in detail the scope, each member’s role, and the time frame. Lack of concrete planning exposes a project to unprecedented risks and issues.

With every detail laid down, keeping a realistic approach, the chances of meeting a failure are considerably reduced.

2. Improper stakeholder management

Stakeholders have an intrinsic interest in the project. Poor stakeholder management, such as defining them too narrowly, failing to strike a balance between compliance and strategic opportunities, and hiding self-interest, lead to project failures.

It is the responsibility of a project manager to identify stakeholders and communicate with them timely. Engaging stakeholders gives support and insights to steer your projects towards success.

3. Lack of change control system

A lack of change control can result in poor communication among project stakeholders. Changes may go unreported or be communicated inconsistently, leading to misunderstandings, conflicts, and a loss of trust among team members and project participants.

4. Accidental Project Manager

Project managers have great responsibility. They bring a certain level of education and experience to the project. It is inevitable that a new and inexperienced project manager will come on board to handle projects.

They may be capable of managing projects, but they need to be the right fit for the project and gain the support from management so they can succeed. Anything less is a recipe for failure. Challenges are good and push boundaries to instigate growth as long as the stretch is not too far out of reach. Inexperienced project managers are, at times, a primary cause of project failure.

5. Unrealistic timescales

Inspiring goals can help spur forward momentum, but they should still be attainable. If your project objectives are too ambitious, stressed teammates and missed deadlines can easily ensue.

According to the 2021 Anatomy of Work Index, the most common cause of missed deadlines is unrealistic expectations. Don’t try to fast track a project. Ensure that the timelines assigned to your projects are realistic rather than overly ambiguous.

Are you a culprit in any of these problems?

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