Working in a team promises to be an exciting venture, but often, team leader or project managers tend to get frustrated because of lack of participation from some team members.
There are different types of people you will find in a team. Whereas some members may be vibrant and active, there are some who are definitely going to be missing in action. As a project manager, how do you get such people participating in the project?
- Establish trust and rapport
The first step to encourage participation is to build trust and rapport with your team members. Show genuine interest in their work, goals, and challenges. Listen attentively and empathetically to their opinions and perspectives. Respect their preferences and boundaries. By creating a positive and supportive relationship, you can make them feel more valued and confident to participate in discussions.
2. Provide clear expectations and guidelines
Another way to encourage participation is to provide clear expectations and guidelines for communication. Define the roles and responsibilities of each team member. Set the ground rules for respectful and constructive dialogue. Provide examples and templates for presenting, reporting, or commenting. By doing this, you make each team member see how they contribute to the project.
3. Use different modes and channels
Recognize that your team members may have different preferences and styles for expressing themselves. Some may prefer speaking, while others may prefer writing. Some may prefer formal, while others may prefer informal settings. Offer various options and opportunities for your team members to communicate. By using different modes and channels, you can accommodate diversity and flexibility for your team members.
4. Ask open-ended and specific questions
Open-ended questions invite your team members to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in more depth and detail. Specific questions help your team members to focus on relevant and actionable information. Avoid asking yes-or-no or leading questions that may limit or influence their responses. Use probing and follow-up questions to explore and clarify their points. By asking open-ended and specific questions, you can stimulate and facilitate dialogue with your team members.
5. Give positive and constructive feedback
Positive feedback acknowledges and reinforces the strengths and achievements of your team members. Constructive feedback identifies and suggests areas and ways for improvement. Balance both types of feedback and deliver them in a timely, respectful, and supportive manner. Avoid giving negative or vague feedback that may demotivate or confuse your team members. By giving positive and constructive feedback, you can motivate and empower your team members.
These five tips can help you get the best out of your team members while ensuring that everyone is contributing to the success of the project.
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