Every project involves multiple people, and working with and for people demands feedback. In managing projects, feedback plays a very important role to the success of your project. Without feedback, it is difficult to monitor and evaluate whatever is going on within the project.

However, a project manager must be mindful of the kind of feedback that gets to the team. There may be some team members or even stakeholders who will constantly criticize everything you do, no matter how good it is. Every feedback must be filtered to ensure that the team is aligned to the project goal and is ready to work on feedback that will boost the success of the project.

How can you ensure there is a culture of constructive feedback in your team?

  1. Encourage open feedback

Firstly, be intentional about asking for feedback especially during team meetings. Let team members feel free to evaluate the various phases and stages of the project. Build a culture such that team members can walk into your office and provide feedback.

2. Establish regular feedback sessions 

Schedule consistent check-ins where team members can share feedback in a structured environment. This can be done by ensuring that there is a special session for feedback during meetings.

3. Model the behaviour

Demonstrate how to give and receive constructive criticism by being open, respectful, and specific in your own feedback. Your team members will take a cue from you.

4. Create a safe space

Ensure that team members feel safe to express their thoughts without fear of retaliation or judgment. Promote peer-to-peer feedback, not just top-down. Recognize and celebrate instances of constructive feedback that lead to positive changes. Act on the feedback received and show that it leads to tangible changes. This shows that you respect team members’ views. When you act on feedback and everyone feels positive about sharing feedback, you are more likely to have an enjoyable project experience.

How do you capitalize on constructive feedback?

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