2-Day PMP Exam Preparation Bootcamp

Get PMP Certified with Our 2-Day Exam Prep Bootcamp!

Already completed your PMP training but haven’t taken the exam yet?

Step Up Business School, an Authorized Training Partner of PMI, USA, is here to help you cross the finish line! Join our intensive 2-day PMP Exam Preparation Bootcamp designed specifically for those who have undergone PMP training and are ready to ace the exam.

Why Join Our Bootcamp?
✅ Focused Review of Key Concepts
✅ Exam-Taking Strategies
✅ Access to PMP Exam Simulator with 1,000+ realistic questions
✅ Expert Guidance from Certified PMP Instructors

Dates: Saturday, 21st September and Monday, 23rd September 2024 (holiday)
Time: 9am to 4pm each day
Venue: Online (Zoom) / In-person (Step Up Business School)

Day 1 – Intensive Instructor-led Revision
Day 2 – Full Mock exam and exam discussion

Limited seats available! Secure your spot now and take the next step towards becoming a certified PMP.